The third wave of COVID-19 pandemic of Alpha strain (UK variant), which begun in April, can be traced to entertainment venues like pubs and bars. It later bombarded factories, markets, department stores, and finally struck your community and your family. Until July, when the very first cases of Delta strain (Indian variant) was diagnosed in Thailand, the hospitalization system gradually collapsed due to the lack of public health facilities to accommodate the rising numbers of confirmed cases. The Department of Health therefore provided infographic sources of information on best practices, safety measures in public
domains, as well as things to know about infectious waste, preparation for vaccination, home isolation, community isolation, self-care, and home preparation to stay safe and be ready to get through this battle against COVID-19.
This handbook of “Together, we can get through this” thus collected things to know about self, family, and community care which conform to the measures that are officially enforced and are responsive to the new normal era and suitable for all age groups, who are enabled to keep the guard up against and stay safe from COVID-19.
DOH Communications Team
August 2021
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